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Precursor and influencer, the style of Isabelle Schmitt opened in the world of the image of real doors on new perspectives, on other looks and possible universes.

Freeing herself notably from the shackles imposed by the institutions for which she collaborated (official UNESCO photographer, Paris City Hall, press agencies, sporting events, orders from famous companies, haute couture fashion), she took, from his flight as a freelance, the party to compose completely as he pleases, on his favorite subjects, from portrait to heritage and this, in a quirky way, his first step.


Favoring different and daring compositions, his work is also raw, without retouching, a second most important step! The one shoot!

Photographer - Author for 20 years, it was from the start of her career that Isabelle devoted herself in particular to urban photography, and more particularly at night, in addition to her missions of illustrations, reports or portraits.


Choosing color as a component of her images and "taking it all in", she decided, from the beginning of the 2000s, to photograph digitally like film, choosing the effects linked to a good technical, the strength of framing, rather than post-production software, like a trompe-l'oeil.


Eager to reinterpret cities in a poetic, even original way, having fun, she has been photographing, for over 15 years, the major cities of the world, from New York to Saint Petersburg via Moscow, sometimes from an angle of the most spooky.

As soon as night falls, she has fun sublimating them, revisiting them, favoring the views rid of all human presence, as opposed to street photography, fashion from the years 1990-2000.

Published and copied, anonymously or out in the open ...

Since the 2000s, you should also know that her name will have been known in the profession, the world of photography and the audiovisual industry: from the start and throughout her career, she will indeed have been followed very closely by image influencers (agency directors, TV studios and cinema).

Beginning with the report with exceptional houses, like the Hôtel de Ville de Paris or UNESCO, of which she was an official photographer (2000-2002), she will immediately be distinguished by her gaze and her images.

Freelance also, she will have followed major international events such as the Centenary of the Paris Air Show - Le Bourget, between reports and portraits of the greatest, including presidents like Hugo Chavez, Jacques Chirac, Obasanjo, Kocharian, even sports stars in competitions such as David Douillet, Venus Williams, Rafael Nadal, collaborated with the world of the press (MaxPPP) or publishing.

His name will therefore have circulated in images, all over the world, to illustrate the writings of the press or international companies.


It is also truly after significant events in the history of contemporary photography, such as its cover and double page in the famous Photo Answers, for their special HS "Urban Universes - Photogeny of the City", (monthly n ° 252 of March 2013) re-edited following a huge success a few weeks after its publication, that beyond the prestige of being one of the great photographers of their magazine, Isabelle launched a fashion without knowing it and inspired thousands of fans, instagramers, students or professional photographers.


In a short decade, his universe of graphic framing and games of reflections will have contaminated the world of the image, from television to cinema, without necessarily knowing that the public ...


His universe will continue to spread….


After almost 10 years of transmission of knowledge, in addition to long-lasting technical articles that can be found in the press (Digital Photo, Savoir tout faire en Photographie, ...),

we still find it to this day from time to time at the Photo Acadmy or on interventions in colleges, workshops in universities, or even during internships for the little ones in the Animation Center. (learn more)


Member of jury like those of the French Federation of Photography or speakers (China, Japan, France), she is also sought for her expertise in the world.

Photographies  @ Isabelle Schmitt - Tous droits réservés



It is with such collaborations where excellence was the master word in the air of film and where error did not forgive that Isabelle has developed expertise of excellence.

It is because urban and night photography have become trendy and require real technicality that she will have started this activity.

International photographers with exceptional routes, she will therefore be in the spotlight alongside them for her undisputed technique (France 3 newspaper) and her style.


Alongside the best known in their worlds, his image will therefore be associated with that of Aguila Voyages, partners of magazines such as Paris Match, Chasseurs d'Images or renowned photographic festivals such as the Arles Festival of Photography, until they choose to stop this adventure, which has become too trendy.


Aguila Voyages chose her to join her prestigious team in 2013 : she will thus start teaching hundreds of enthusiasts and pass on her knowledge to their customers, during trips or photo weekends.

His universe will continue to spread….


After almost 10 years of transmission of knowledge, in addition to long-lasting technical articles that can be found in the press (Digital Photo, Savoir tout faire en Photographie, ...),

we still find it to this day from time to time at the Academy Photo or on interventions in colleges, workshops in universities, or even during internships for the little ones in the Animation Center. (learn more)


Member of jury like those of the French Federation of Photography or speakers (China, Japan, France), she is also sought for her expertise in the world.

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